Sunday, May 29, 2011

Made Of Honor

To get your true love, never be afraid to listen to your heart.
Sometimes the right person is sooooo close, but we waste our time finding him/her "outside".
It is not wrong, though--sometimes our "waste of time" worths it ....if by doing so, we will learn and appreciate our lover much better.
But, if you may choose, better we realize it before it's late....or before it is TOO late--till we hurt someone else (who also really love us).
However, here you are..
love is a mytery....
love can be pleasing as well as hurting......


Friday, May 13, 2011

If Only

Jangan pelit bilang "I love You" untuk mereka yang kita sayangi......
Jangan ragu manfaatkan segala kesempatan untuk menunjukkan kasih sayang......
Malam ini kita bersamanya, esok pagi ia telah dipanggil Tuhan..
Sejam lalu kita bercanda dengannya, tahu-tahu harus menekuri petinya...
Cinta tidak pernah salah, karena itu anugerah terindah dariNYa
Kita manusia yang tidak sempurna inilah yang harus terus belajar mencintai tanpa syarat........
